An ultra-compact and efficient Li-ion battery charger circuit for biomedical applications An Ultra- Compact and Efficient Li-ion Battery Charger Circuit for Biomedical Applications Bruno Do ...
Accurate, Compact, and Power-Efficient Li-Ion Battery ... 2006年11月13日 - A novel, accurate, compact, and power-efficient lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery charger designed to yield maximum capacity, cycle life, and therefore ...
Accurate, Compact, and Power-Efficient Li-Ion Battery ... IEEE Xplore. Delivering full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in engineering and technology.
Accurate, Compact, and Power Efficient Li-Ion Battery ... Abstract— A novel, accurate, compact, and power efficient Lith- ium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery charger designed to yield maximum capacity, cycle life, and therefore ...
Accurate, Compact, and Power-Efficient Li-Ion Battery ... ABSTRACT A novel, accurate, compact, and power-efficient lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery charger designed to yield maximum capacity, cycle life, and therefore ...
An Area and Power-Efficient Analog Li-Ion Battery Charger ... ... an ultra-compact analog lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery charger with high energy efficiency. ... voltage accuracy of 99.9% relative to the desired target 4.2 V, while consuming ... THIS PAPER presents a novel, ultra-compact, and highly efficient ...
Accurate, compact, and power-efficient Li-Ion battery ... CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Abstract—A novel, accurate, compact, and power-efficient lithium-ion (Li-Ion) ...
An ultra-compact and efficient Li-ion battery charger circuit ... Ultra-compact and Efficient Li-ion Battery Charger Circuit for. Biomedical ... achieved 75% power efficiency and charging voltage accuracy of. 99.8% relative to ...
Accurate, Compact, and Power-Efficient Li-Ion Battery ... A novel, accurate, compact, and power-efficient lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery charger designed to yield maximum capacity, cycle life, and therefore runtime is ...
Lithium-Ion Battery Charger Li-Ion Battery and Power-Efficient Li-Ion Battery Charger Circuits ... of the techniques used to charge Lithium-ion batteries in the most accurate, power-efficient, ...